You really need to pay attention to copyright issues with your feature images. Crediting the source does not get around copyright. If the image is not from a free image site like Unsplash, you need to establish via your caption that you have specific permission to use the image--such as a purchased license from a subscription site or permission of the artist/photographer. I suggest you read this policy piece that I helped create and that I link to in my pub's submission guidelines.
The other part of my note on the Indigenous girls coming-of-age ritual piece was specific to my pub. I felt there was some synchronicity underlying the story but when it's not clear on the face of the article, our submission guidelines require a writer's note explaining to the reader why it fits in our synchronicitycentric pub. I don't know if you read our guidelines. Here they are again.
You write beautiful and deep and thought-provoking pieces and I look forward to hosting ones that fit our publication.