You reminded me of a 12-step rooms share I heard many years ago: person keeps a post-it note on the alarm clock--it reads "it's not going to turn out that way." Next stop, the bathroom. The post-it on the mirror says, "it's not going to turn out that way either."
Lots of great messages in this one, from the AAs of course but more importantly in your intro and conclusion.
I also thought of the famous but somewhat misunderstood and ironic "Man plans and God laughs." In my , I quote a Dr. Saul Levine:
“'Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht' is an old Yiddish adage meaning, 'Man Plans, and God Laughs.' Despite our most careful planning, the Road of Life is unpredictable. We might have driving and destination strategies but scenic new vistas might beckon us or unforeseen roadblocks can deter us. Our best-laid plans in life can be upended by unexpected changes, which could be either disappointing or exhilarating. Personal or other setbacks, losses of loved ones, illnesses or accidents, broken hearts or tortured souls, are not uncommon occurrences in our lives. On the other hand, fate can provide unanticipated good fortune or heartening experiences."
I say it's somewhat misunderstood and ironic because, as you know, "This statement is used to diminish the role that free-will has upon our lives — that we cannot defeat the universe’s scripts. The irony is that while our higher powers have to approve our scripts/outlines, we wrote them."
A central message of today's channeling is acceptance leads to serenity. I discuss that at length here: When I talk about acceptance I do not mean one has to permanently accept the unacceptable. Just practice acceptance within the moment, which is a concept you touched on.