You wrote a beautifully imaged and poignant story. Please accept my sincere condolences on your losses and congratulations on the much deserved prize.
I also wrote my Mwc Death entry, a poem and essay, around a suicide. I tell the tale of my friendship with Andrew since 1991 that continues to this day, with his soul, as Andrew chose to leave his friends, wife and three children in 2006 at the age of 39. I hope that your win and my comment here helps me spread my message of suicide prevention. Here is the poem portion:
Suicide provides no relief at all
On ledge imagining end to my pain
Pavement streaming toward me will not end fall
Just before break solution becomes plain
My penance to help others to refrain
Thought my loved ones better off without me
Truth’s too likely they’ll header into sea
Had I known that death cannot be cheated
Baring deep secrets would cure malady
Death would not have left loved ones defeated
I hope readers have 17 minutes to read the rest of my story--it may save lives.