You've made me think I should go back and watch episodes I, II, and III again. I'm not even sure I've seen any of them in their entirety. In my early 2021, I wrote that Return of the Jedi was so titled because father's love for son and son's love for father helps Anakin escape the dark side and once again become a Jedi at the end. I also wrote in there, "Darth Vader, the former Jedi Anakin Skywalker, did not become evil — rather his ego became so dependent on the trappings of attachment that his soul became imprisoned by the darkness that enveloped his ego. Logic devoid of emotion. Pure animus. Divine masculine unchecked by the divine feminine." I hadn't considered what made him so vulnerable, I just remembered that he was in the episode where's he loses a body part in a battle with the man who became the emperor and then that same person shows him mercy, if I'm remembering that scene correctly.
Anyway, good read and your theory makes sense.
My essay starts out with this rethinking: "Popular belief posits that the Star Wars saga, particularly the first episode released — Episode IV, that introduced all of us to the main characters, amounts to a repurposing of classic Western films pitting the good guys against the bad guys. I discerned a few weeks ago that I disagree. By cladding the stormtroopers in white, George Lucas gave us a hint that the story involved much deeper concepts than the human-constructed binaries of good and evil."