Yup. As I wrote three years ago in my https://medium.com/illumination/spirituality-redefined-ff45cb53eaf2, "When I use the term spiritual, I use it in a manner that transcends the binary of theism versus atheism. One can act entirely spiritual with or without a belief in “god” however one understands that term. Spirituality only requires love, empathy, compassion, humility, honesty and courage.
As I define spirituality, there is a flip side to the coin and all those positive feelings— accountability, both personally and holding others accountable for their words and deeds."
My piece also quotes a since deleted essay by another writer for:
"If there is one clear message that I feel I have learned on my path it is this: God is love and more expansive than I can wrap my brain around; His love is so much greater than I can comprehend.
With the diversity of the people on this earth, doesn’t it stand to reason that infinite love would provide a multitude of channels to access that source? I think so. For that reason, I will not adhere to any particular religion, but I will honor my personal journey and the paths of fellow earnest seekers."
In much of my writing, I am not a fan of any organized religion but have recently taken a more balanced approach as reflected by this poem:
"Religion’s bathtub filled with beautiful babes and soap scum so discern with spirit taking the best and straining false filth from mind"