Yup, the concept of "ignorance is bliss," which I understand but to which I do not subscribe as I wrote here three years ago, https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/tanka-of-growth-and-evolution-36b08f1284e6, and touched on the other day that you did see in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th lines of this one of twelve short poems (https://medium.com/p/c90b971c55d5):
an eye for an eye
produces two with half-sight
don’t turn a blind eye
and don’t turn your other cheek
demand accounting from all
You speak of the conformists in many. Conformity is fear. It's fine to choose a popular route if that aligns with one's self but it becomes conformity if the route is fear driven. River's Writings recently posted a great poem about fear-based vs soul/heart-based decision-making. https://medium.com/catharsis-chronicles/divided-paths-272fd9fae7b2 Did you see it? It's excellent.