Found my way here via Pretti's poem today. Lovely sonnet and photo, William. Interesting how you use complete sentences and with line breaks maintain the form. Very cool.
Yes, the photo is lovely. Sitting on my front porch where I am at this moment, last week through the trees I spotted a flower on the land next door, went to take a picture, and saw that there were several growing wild by the road.
A few days ago, I was moved by the wind blowing the trees and wheat on the farm across the street to create this two-tanka-stanza poem: Here's the first stanza:
"Wheatfield rolls like sea
Caribbean comes to mind
Warm ocean breezes
Gaia calmly smiles at me
Everything will be alright"
Back in April the site of a single pink tulip rising above and among a bunch of white daffodils inspired this tanka series, subtitled "Tanka series of timeless and interdimensional love here there and everywhere"