Likely, but far from certain. Some do repair themselves. An addict will always be an addict is the same one size fits all bullshit that handicaps recovery programs. These are topics I've written about from time to time, and while my outlook keeps refining, there might be something in these that might be useful. I wrote this one about four years ago,
and this one about two years ago,, subtitled “Groups and treatment centers must alter their “sit down, shut up, and listen” approach and remove the absolute abstinence requirement that is not found in the Big Book or the 12 and 12." And they do come close to acting like cults: “It dawned on me this morning why AA sometimes did feel like a cult. It offers love to those who feel unloved. Using the open palm of one hand it says let us love you until you can love yourself. While at the same time, it smacks that away with the back of the other hand. It keeps the newcomer or a relapser from loving themselves by shaming them and filling them with self-doubt, thus perpetuating the importance of and dependence on the group and its demeaning deacons.”